Vitaly Ignatiev: "It is clear to everyone that Chisinau is not interested in the opinion of the citizens of Pridnestrovie"

10/18/24 10:41

Vitaly Ignatiev: "It is clear to everyone that Chisinau is not interested in the opinion of the citizens of Pridnestrovie"

The PMR Foreign Minister commented on the refusal of the Republic of Moldova to take into account the position of the Pridnestrovians in the EU referendum

Tiraspol, October 18. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. During the conflict, Pridnestrovie has not seen any actions from Moldova that could really demonstrate readiness and openness to take into account the opinion of the Pridnestrovians. This was noted by the PMR Foreign Minister Vitaly Ignatiev in an interview with the Baltnews agency.

According to the head of the PMR Foreign Ministry, the referendum in the form in which it is being held on the territory of Moldova will not allow us to judge the real opinion of the Pridnestrovians.

"We emphasize that the opinion of the people is when a plebiscite is held, and in the most transparent format and on the territory of Pridnestrovie for all citizens of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic," Vitaly Ignatiev noted. "The most important thing, it is very important that the world community recognizes this opinion and takes it into account. But what is happening in Moldova is completely the opposite, so it was necessary to clarify details. And I believe that we did it. And now it is clear to everyone that, in principle, Chisinau is not particularly interested in the opinion of the citizens of Pridnestrovie."

Let us recall that on November 11, the PMR MFA stated in its commentary that holding a referendum on the attitude towards the European Union on the territory of the PMR is possible. However, the Moldovan authorities did not approach the Pridnestrovian side with such a proposal. On the same day, they announced that polling stations would not be opened on the territory of the PMR.


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