Vadim Krasnoselsky believes Pridnestrovians will take active part in Russia's presidential election

03/05/18 11:54

Vadim Krasnoselsky believes Pridnestrovians will take active part in Russia's presidential election

The Pridnestrovian leader said this at the podium discussion "Democracy in Russia and Russian Voters Abroad" in the framework of the international forum "Together with Russia"

Tiraspol, 5 March. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The internatopnal forum "Together with Russia", organized by Russky Mir Foundation, is taking place in Moscow. The Pridnestrovian delegation includes President Vadim Krasnoselsky, Supreme Council speaker Alexander Scherba and vice speaker Galina Antyuefeeva, MPs Viktor Guzun and Alexander Korshunov, Chairman of the Youth Parliament Alexander Savich, the Supreme Council's press service reports.

The delegates were spoken to by representatives of Russia's central election commission and foreign ministry about organising the voting of Russian citizens in the presidential election in foreign countries. The meeting was chaired by the head of the board of Russkiy Mir Foundation, Vyacheslav Nikonov. It was noted that more than 1.8 million Russian citizens permanently live abroad and are placed on a consular register.

"It is very important for us to ensure an adequate turnout," said CEC official Vasily Likhachev.

As foreign ministry official Andrey Nesterenko assured, the election will take place not only in foreign counties where there are Russian communities but even where small groups of compatriots live. In addition to tourists and compatriots, Russian servicemen who serve outside the Russian Federation will be able to vote. Groups of Russian specialists working at large joint facilities abroad will also be able to vote. According to the estimates of the Central Election Commission, this time the participation will be very active and the number of voters will exceed 25% of all foreign voters.

According to the speakers, the high turnout, which is expected in the election, is ensured by promptly informing voters about voting places and procedures, an increase in the number of polling stations (record breaking 393 stations will be available in 145 countries), organization of transportation to polling stations on election day, as well as broad opportunities for early voting (available in 93 countries). In addition, a democratic absentee system has been adopted for the convenience of voters: any Russian citizen can vote anywhere in the world on the basis of a passport and an oral application on election day.

"Our maximum task is that no voice of citizens living abroad and having active suffrage should be lost," said Likhachev.

The international community is taking a lot of interest in the Russian election. As stated by Likhachev, more than 1,000 international observers will attend the presidential elections in Russia, many of whom are representatives of international organizations.

The podium discussion "Democracy in Russia and Russian Voters Abroad" is taking place at the moment. The moderator of the conversation is Vyacheslav Nikonov, chairman of the board of Russkiy Mir Foundation. Deputy chairman of the State Duma Petr Tolstoy, MP Svetlana Zhurova, as well as Pridnestrovian president Vadim Krasnoselsky, were given the floor. The president made a report on the topic "Pridnestrovie is an integral part of the Russian world: current situation and prospects for development."

"No forces can tear us away from the Russian world. We think and see dreams in Russian, " said Vadim Krasnoselsky.

The president expressed confidence that Pridnestrovians would take active part in the coming Russian presidential election.

 Alexander Shcherba is scheduled to take the floor in the afternoon. He will speak on "The Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation and Compatriots".


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