

07/07/15 12:22
The candidates were confirmed during the meeting of the relevant commission in the local state administration

07/07/15 11:08
Moldova's Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration Victor Osipov told it during his interview to Kommersant.


07/06/15 21:28
During their presence in Pridnestrovie, representatives of the Lev Gumilyov Center visited the biggest barrow in Europe

07/06/15 19:23
Fighters of more than 40 countries take part in the competition

07/06/15 16:50
The delegation of the Lev Gumilyov Centre has come to Tiraspol to give lectures and trainings

07/06/15 14:49
Pridnestrovie's young men have been invited to the all-Russian youth forum “Territory of Meanings on the Klyazma”


07/04/15 13:08
The Economy in Details TV show of the Pridnestrovie's First Channel was devoted to this issue


07/03/15 16:08
This is what the head of Pridnestrovie' Price and Antimonopoly Committee, Vitaliy Ulitka, said in an interview with journalists

07/03/15 12:01
More than 30 insured events have been registered in Pridnestrovie since the launch of MTPL insurance

07/03/15 11:43
It is recalled that on 2 July 2014 the cooperation memorandum was signed between Russia's Federal Antimonopoly Service and Pridnestrovie's Price and Antimonopoly Committee


07/02/15 13:24
State Customs Committee and Customs Broker at the economic agents' requests established two new offices rendering professional services in the near-customs area

07/02/15 11:48
Фото Виктора Трофименко.

07/02/15 11:02
It was held due to the complicated and unstable political situation near the republic