Archive - 2021


12/14/21 10:39
Araik Lazaryan and Semen Afiyan noted the friendly atmosphere at the polling stations, and also expressed gratitude to the PMR CEC and the authorities for their cooperation


12/13/21 14:50
The CEC of the PMR provided conclusions on the presidential elections

12/13/21 13:34
79.4% of voters voted for him

12/13/21 11:04


12/12/21 22:06
At the moment election commissions have already begun counting votes; preliminary results will be announced tomorrow

12/12/21 21:50
Yuri Arkharov and Anton Tkachev visited Dnestrovsk and Slobodzeyan district polling stations

12/12/21 17:24
The early voting practice was also positively assessed by Artsakh’s representatives

12/12/21 16:43
Artem Turov and Vadim Dengin learned about the electoral process and talked with the electoral commission members

12/12/21 16:34
Vitaly Yankovsky was at the polling station opening in Parkany, and also monitored the voting process in Tiraspol and Bendery

12/12/21 15:58
Vadim Krasnoselsky spoke about the difference between Pridnestrovie and other unrecognized states