Archive - 18/5/2021

05/18/21 18:54
Alexander Korshunov noted that such hearings make it possible to dive into the historical past, find out the truth about the events and understand the roots of Russian civilization and Russian culture

05/18/21 18:21
Parliamentarians discussed the issue of a simplified process for obtaining Russian citizenship and the work of the consular office in Tiraspol

05/18/21 17:16
Among them are cases those involving to the Moldovan-Pridnestrovian conflict dependence

05/18/21 15:03
The question is about another tranche of the humanitarian aid to compatriots, who are living in Pridnestrovie

05/18/21 11:49
The requirement of three years’ experience was excluded

05/18/21 11:38
The visit of the Monarch and his family was associated with the next Russian-Turkish war