09/27/16 14:07
Vitaly Ignatyev placed greater focus on the problem of railway import to Pridnestrovie and represented an opinion of the Pridnestrovie's side on the possible ways of resolution of the current situation
09/15/16 16:20
In view of another fact of restriction of Pridnestrovie's international contacts by the Republic of Moldova, the Pridnestrovie's MFA distributed the statement
09/14/16 16:45
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosted a meeting of a delegation of the Russian Institute of Strategic Studies and representatives of the country's expert community and public organisations
09/08/16 18:00
Pridnestrovie's Foreign Minister discussed railway import blockade of Pridnestrovie by Ukraine with the Russian diplomat
08/31/16 11:45
Vitaly Ignatyev: "Unfortunately, the dynamics of negotiations is very low so far"
08/30/16 14:21
The head of state has summed up the preliminary results of the country's five-year foreign policy
08/12/16 13:59
The sides discussed progress in implementation of a number of common welfare projects
07/15/16 17:25
The foreign minister, Vitaliy Ignatyev said that Moldova was expected to respond to Pridnestrovie's proposals about reaching an agreement in the sphere of diploma legalisation
07/04/16 16:16
The foreign scientists showed interest in the aspects of Pridnrstrovie's foreign policy, Russo-Pridnestrovian relations, as well as relevant issues of the ongoing negotiation process with Moldova
06/23/16 17:31
The parties agreed to continue constructive cooperation
06/22/16 12:00
Igor Shornikov delivered a lecture "Russia-Pridnestrovie: ways of unity and development", which focused on cooperation between the two states in the cultural and humanitarian spheres
06/16/16 12:27
The acting foreign minister of the PMR told Russia's Komsomolskaya Pravda daily about relations between Pridnestrovie and Moldova