09/11/17 15:39
The interlocutors exchanged views on a wide range of issues related to the Moldo-Pridnestrovian negotiating process
09/05/17 20:43
Avigdor Eskin has come to Pridnestrovie today and is going to study the situation in the country and in the negotiating process as a whole
08/31/17 20:35
The ministry has noted that a number of foreign guests going to Pridnestrovie have been recently refused entry to the country by the Moldovan border police
08/24/17 15:08
According to Vitaly Ignatyev, if Moldova wanted to improve its relationship with Pridnestrovie, the best way to do that would be "specific, practical work at each level of the negotiating process aimed at improving the lives of people" rather than undermining the peacekeeping operation
08/23/17 16:25
According to Vitaly Ignatyev, this unilateral measure violates both agreements and mechanisms of the negotiating process, and Pridnestrovie's stance on this issue is simply ignored
08/09/17 15:18
The parties discussed the implementation of projects in the context of bilateral cooperation in the sphere of protection of the rights of people with disabilities
07/26/17 14:25
Only the peacekeeping operation will guarantee peace and prevent the conflict on the Dniester banks from re-escalating, the participants of the international conference taking place in PSU believe
07/07/17 14:41
The foreign ministry has commented on the adoption by Russia's State Duma of the declaration on the situation around the PMR
06/30/17 14:56
This is the only way of resolving our conflict, the president believes
06/29/17 21:03
In connection with the requests of citizens travelling abroad, Pridnestrovie's MFA has released a statement
06/29/17 14:24
The foreign ministers of both countries exchanged views on possible mechanisms for enhancing trade and economic cooperation
06/05/17 19:33
Vitaly Ignatyev spoke about the Moldovan authorities' attempts to dismantle the existing peacekeeping mechanism
06/02/17 15:16
The parties discussed the launch by Moldova and Ukraine of their joint border control project at the Kuchurgan checkpoint