04/05/18 21:47
Political representatives Vitaly Ignatyev and Christina Lesnik also took part in the meeting
04/04/18 19:50
Vitaly Ignatiev held a meeting with Hungarian Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Sandor Szabo
04/03/18 16:38
They also discussed bilateral cooperation between Pridnestrovie and Russia in various fields
03/29/18 15:38
Vital Ignatyev discussed the current agenda of the negotiation process with Russia's deputy foreign minister and the special representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office
03/29/18 15:25
This was announced today by the foreign minister at a meeting of the Public Expert Council
03/26/18 11:41
The Pridnestrovian foreign minister expressed hope that sincere sympathy and empathy of Pridnestrovians would be a support for the fraternal people of Russia in these difficult moments
03/16/18 15:38
Deputy foreign minister Alexander Stetsyuk told the British diplomats about the progress in developing a mechanism to address an issue with Pridnestrovian vehicles participating in international road traffic
03/16/18 10:46
They continued discussing the participation of Pridnestrovian motor transport in international road traffic
03/14/18 16:07
Vitaly Ignatyev has informed the president about the measures taken to resolve the issue of Pridnestrovian vehicles participating in international road traffic
03/13/18 20:48
Pridnestrovian and Moldovan political representatives also took part in the meeting between the expert (working) groups.
03/01/18 16:17
The foreign experts presented their suggestions to the Pridnestrovian president on increasing the efficiency of the country's economy
02/28/18 11:08
The parties held a regular meeting at the OSCE Mission in Kishinev to discuss motor transport issues
02/20/18 15:47
Pridnestrovie's foreign minister highly appreciated the desire of the Swedish side to develop contacts with Pridnestrovie
02/12/18 15:37
During the meeting, the sides discussed a number of issues of bilateral cooperation
02/02/18 19:58
The sides discuss relevant issues of negotiations between Pridnestrovie and Moldova