
01/09/24 12:49
The Moldovan authorities are only leading Moldovan-Pridnestrovian relations towards greater confrontation, PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky said
06/20/22 21:03
PMR Foreign Affairs Minister is sure that this isn’t done by chance
02/26/22 14:10
The share of trade with the Russian Federation amounted to 32 per cent (4 per cent more than the previous year)
10/03/19 18:55
Prime Minister met EU Delegation
06/04/19 20:11
Heads of diplomatic missions and international organizations took part in the cultural event Peace for the Sake of Future at the invitation of the leadership of Pridnestrovie
06/04/19 19:44
Diplomats from 13 countries, as well as representatives of international organizations were the guests of the republic
10/23/18 22:12
Among the suggestions received are the experience exchange between EU and Pridnestrovie farmers and scientists, student training and many other things
11/24/17 14:31
Vadim Krasnoselsky discussed with Peter Michalko progress in the negotiating process between Pridnestrovie and Moldova
03/27/17 17:09
Vadim Krasnoselsky noted the need for an early resolution of the long-standing problems in Moldovan-Pridnestrovian relations