Vitaly Ignatiev on the militarization of Moldova: This’s a threat to peace and security on the Dniester

06/20/22 21:03

Vitaly Ignatiev on the militarization of Moldova: This’s a threat to peace and security on the Dniester

PMR Foreign Affairs Minister is sure that this isn’t done by chance

Tiraspol, June 20 / Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The intention of the West to pump up Moldova with weapons as well as the signing by the official Chisinau with the European Union of the Agreement “On the FRONTEX (EU Agency for the External Borders’ Security) Operational Activities” with changes to the law on the state border is a threat to peace and security on the Dniester, the head of the PMR Foreign Affairs Ministry Vitaly Ignatiev noted.

Those forces that are engaged in the region militarization do it not by chance. It is a signal even at the doctrinal level, Vitaly Ignatiev commented.

“He says that some European or Romanian police forces will try to gain control over the Pridnestrovian-Ukrainian border section. It is a dangerous statement. I would say that this’s a threat to peace and security on the Dniester,” Tsargrad Moldavia online media quotes the minister.

The Agreement between Moldova and the European Union on the operational activities of the European Border Police and Coast Guard Agency in Moldova was signed on March 17 in Brussels. The document implies the introduction of an armed foreign contingent into Moldova, conferring upon it the right to take control of the borders, and its number can be increased without restrictions. The agreement contains an article stating that special attention will be paid to the Moldovan-Ukrainian section in the Pridnestrovian segment.


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