
12/22/16 12:26
Vadim Krasnoselsky declared he intends to preserve the stability of the Pridnestrovian state and its independence
12/20/16 10:56
The corresponding decree has been signed by the president
11/30/16 18:12
In his article in the Russia in Global Politics magazine, Pridnestrovie's foreign minister writes about the degradation of the negotiation process
11/28/16 14:43
The parties in particular discussed the strengthening of commercial and economic ties between the two countries
11/26/16 17:55
Vitaly Ignatyev commented on the international conference Pridnestrovian Settlement: Quo Vadis that recently took place in Kishinev
11/08/16 12:32
Vitaly Ignatyev has met the new British ambassador to Moldova, Lucy Joyce
09/28/16 12:43
In particular, they thoroughly discussed the organisation of the joint Academic Olympics with the involvement of talented school students from both republics
09/27/16 14:07
Vitaly Ignatyev placed greater focus on the problem of railway import to Pridnestrovie and represented an opinion of the Pridnestrovie's side on the possible ways of resolution of the current situation
09/15/16 16:20
In view of another fact of restriction of Pridnestrovie's international contacts by the Republic of Moldova, the Pridnestrovie's MFA distributed the statement
09/01/16 20:36
The first congress of the public movement Russian Outpost took place in Tiraspol with the involvement of foreign guests. The ex-interior minister of the PMR, Gennady Kuzmichyov, was elected chairman of the movement
08/12/16 13:59
The sides discussed progress in implementation of a number of common welfare projects