особое мнение

10/12/19 10:39
Development Director of Timilink Siberia, Alesya Kadakina, commented on the results of the VII Pridnestrovian International Investment Economic Forum
04/19/19 18:10
The Candidate of historical sciences Pyotr Shornikov explains why the term «Transnistria» is incorrect towards Pridnestrovie
02/26/19 16:42
According to the member of Consultative Assembly of the First Pridnestrovian Deputies Vladimir Labunsky, further the authorities need to take measures for overcoming poverty, a disproportion of the balance of payments and budget, return home army of labour migrants
02/22/18 15:35
The Pridnestrovian pundit has commented on statements by Moldova's defence ministry about the re-equipment of the army
11/27/17 16:00
The former foreign minister called the Moscow resolution on the legality of Pridnestrovie's recognition "a good document", based on which diplomatic work could be further conducted
11/22/17 17:52
According to the Israeli publicist, the Russian leadership would be wise to show its priorities towards the PMR
10/24/17 19:43
The Russian pundit talks about the MISTAKES made by pro-Moscow forces
10/12/17 11:39
As Vadim Kasnoselsky noted in an interview with SNG.Today, "the resentment and painful ambitions towards Pridnestrovie compel the Moldovan side to engage in dialogue with Pridnestrovie from the position of strength"
08/04/17 12:15
The head of the Public Dialogue Forum analytical center comments on the appeals to reshape the peacekeeping operation on the Dniester
07/29/17 13:17
The member of the Federation Council's Security and Defence Committee Mikhail Kozlov called refusal of Romania to let pass an airliner with the Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin onboard a provocation
06/20/17 17:50
According to Russia's State Duma member, only unresolved conflict with the PMR prevents Moldova from "falling" into Romania.
05/31/17 16:26
Andrey Safonov believes this step has not been taken by official Kishinev on its own, but rather by coordinators outside Moldova, particularly in Brussels and Washington