теракты в Приднестровье

08/31/22 20:40
According to Vadim Krasnoselsky, these are terrorist attacks, difficulties in the economy, unresolved issues with Moldova, pandemic
06/30/22 15:49
At the same time, Vitaly Ignatiev noted that the state was ready for any possible scenario
06/30/22 15:24
According to the PMR Foreign Minister, tracks lead to Western Ukraine
06/08/22 18:07
The corresponding decree was signed by the PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky
06/07/22 15:29
According to the PMR Foreign Ministry head, Chisinau refuses to cooperate with the attempted arson of the Military Office investigation
06/07/22 13:56
The PMR Foreign Minister reminded that terrorist attacks signs that took place on April 25-26 also lead to a neighboring country
06/06/22 16:52
The Independent Human Rights Center Pridnestrovian Meridian commented on the situation with the investigation into the arson of the Military Commissariat in Tiraspol
05/30/22 20:02
Foreign Minister told the Italian News Agency ANSA about the course of the investigation into the terrorist attacks in Pridnestrovie
05/26/22 16:08
It is Ion Lozan. He is a citizen of Moldova, connected with the Republic of Moldova special services
05/06/22 20:18
The progress of the investigation of the terrorist act was commented on by the PMR President