Vitaly Ignatiev: We managed to power one of the drones with explosives down

06/30/22 15:24

Vitaly Ignatiev: We managed to power one of the drones with explosives down

According to the PMR Foreign Minister, tracks lead to Western Ukraine
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Tiraspol, June 30. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Foreign Minister of the PMR Vitaly Ignatiev revealed the details of the investigation of several terrorist acts that occurred on the territory of Pridnestrovie.

“We managed to power one of the explosive drones down. We know who prepared it, what was the path of this drone, and who is engaged in this kind of action. The tracks lead to the Yavoriv training ground in Western Ukraine,” the Minister said during an interview with the Russia 24 TV channel.

Vitaly Ignatiev also shared details of the investigation into the explosion of a television and radio center in the village of Mayak, where there were used about 200 kg of explosives.

“Obviously, some kind of sabotage team, 25-30 people, according to our data, entered the territory of Pridnestrovie, managed to mine everything there, but could not fully implement their plans,” the PMR Foreign Minister noted.

Vitaly Ignatiev stressed that Pridnestrovie discouraged such provocations and called on partners in both Ukraine and Moldova to stay calm and adequate.

Recall: in April and May 2022, terrorist attacks took place in Pridnestrovie on the building of the Ministry of State Security, on a radio and television center near the village of Mayak, as well as on a military unit in the village of Parkany. Traces of terrorist attacks led to Ukraine. In addition, shots were fired from the Ukrainian side in the direction of the Pridnestrovian settlement of Kolbasna. Four explosions occurred near the village of Voronkovo, Rybnitsa district, in the area of ​​​​the former airfield. Another terrorist attack took place at the military registration and enlistment office in Tiraspol - a Molotov cocktail was thrown into the building. The perpetrators of this crime have been arrested. According to the investigation, the customers of the terrorist attack near the military registration and enlistment office are persons associated with the special services of Moldova. On June 5, two explosive devices were dropped from a drone on the territory of the vehicle fleet of the reserve unit of the peacekeeping contingent of Pridnestrovie in the Vladimirovka region.


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