молдо-приднестровский конфликт

07/29/21 12:24
Andrey Safonov told about the Russia’s peacekeeping mission significance
07/29/21 10:50
Interview with the co-chairman of the Joint Control Commission (JCC) from Pridnestrovie Oleg Belyakov
07/28/21 18:33
Vitaly Ignatiev emphasized that Chisinau nothing but imitates negotiations and does nothing to bring closer a fair settlement of the Moldovan-Pridnestrovian conflict
06/28/21 14:58
Diplomats expressed concern about the recent provocations of one of the Republic of Moldova political forces in the Security Zone
06/25/21 15:10
The heads of the PMR MFA as well as the OSCE Mission to RM agreed to hold further consultations with their interlocutors in Moldova and Ukraine to resolve the situation expeditiously
06/24/21 16:17
Moldovan nationalists` provocation on the border with Pridnestrovie was discussed in the JCC
06/24/21 14:57
The PMR President commented on the statements of the Head of Moldova about the Russian troops and the so-called reintegration
06/23/21 18:25
They shouted that there was no such state as Pridnestrovie and demanded that they be allowed to enter Bendery to campaign for unification with Romania
06/21/21 17:50
They intended to come to Rybnitsa to agitate local residents to vote for them in the upcoming parliamentary elections
06/19/21 12:17
Vadim Krasnoselsky reminded that it was the Russian peacekeepers, who ended the war in 1992 and for 30 years have kept the peace