Moldovan side disrupts work on repairing peacekeeping posts

09/10/21 11:06

Moldovan side disrupts work on repairing peacekeeping posts

Joint Control Commission meeting was disrupted again

Tiraspol, September 10. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Representatives of Moldova in the Joint Control Commission walked out of the meeting of the peacekeeping operation controlling authority. 8 reports of the military command remained unconsidered.

One of the important issues is the repair of peacekeeping posts in the Vadul-lui-Voda Region. The topic has been discussed since July 2020. The project for the modernization of posts was previously approved by the JCC. But, as noted by the Co-Chairman of the JCC from Pridnestrovie, Oleg Belyakov, the representatives of Chisinau are hampering the work.

“In this context, the Moldovan side has begun blocking work to restore proper order at these posts. Demanding the involvement in these issues of other structures and bodies that do not work in the JCC; who do not have direct competence, say, to participate in the peacekeeping process. Today we see that the Moldovan side is again starting to torpedo these processes, creating unbearable conditions for duty,” Oleg Belyakov said.

Work on these issues is scheduled to continue next Thursday, 16 September.


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