
06/21/19 14:16
The Ministry of Economic Development published the review of industrial production in 5 months
06/04/19 17:49
Elektromash is ready to expand partnership with the Bulgarian colleagues, Tirotex can supply textiles for SPA salons
05/23/19 11:30
Due to cheap borrowed funds Temp-Group LLC upgrades production and increases production volumes
04/11/19 19:32
It is planned to open three more similar complexes: two in Russia and one in Belarus till the end of the year
04/09/19 15:11
Sergey Obolonik: It allowed most enterprises to function in a profitability zone
02/19/19 15:26
Pridnestrovian machine-building giant continues to expand its presence in the Siberian Federal District of the Russian Federation
02/05/19 19:10
The money will be directed to purchase the necessary equipment
01/23/19 19:47
Pridnestrovian plant supplies new series of engines to the Russian oil industry and nuclear power enterprises
01/22/19 09:05
Central Bank experts associate a high indicator of industry with the economy key sectors recovery
12/20/18 19:54
Hundreds of new fabric items and thousands of designs are being developed here every year
07/23/18 16:42
The metallurgical sector is still showing the best growth rates
06/14/18 12:44
The Pridnestrovian and Russian enterprises have signed a package of documents on the beginning of cooperation
05/21/18 13:02
The international economic forum, held in Moscow, will bring together representatives of more than 200 states – the heads of the largest energy companies
04/27/18 11:48
Nevertheless, the plant intends to fulfil its 2018 plan
04/04/18 21:15
Funds for these purposes are to be included in the national budget