
05/23/19 10:54
The plant has changed the name to «Potential» and has already had orders. All wage arrears have to be paid until June 3
05/21/19 19:44
Foreign experts are exploring the possibility of concluding an investment agreement in the field of alternative energy
05/20/19 18:21
Singing of the investment projects on recycling of the metallurgy sphere waste and cultivation of hazelnut in the territory of the republic is in preparation
05/15/19 20:04
2.1% in four months
04/25/19 19:51
It was confirmed by participants of a teleconference in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the PMR
04/24/19 18:32
Its main objectives are to improve the quality of tourism products and increase Pridnestrovian tourist attractiveness
04/23/19 17:10
Also here intend to start production in more convenient packing
04/20/19 17:28
Improvement of business climate will become a key subject of a forum this year, the Director of the Investments Agency of Pridnestrovie Andrey Betanov noted
04/18/19 19:44
Alexander Martynov held a meeting with the Head of the delegation of the EU to Moldova
04/16/19 21:43
The Adviser to the President of the Russian Federation positively estimated the Pridnestrovian law on the protection of investments
04/16/19 11:11
The Adviser to the President of the Russian Federation considers that the republic managed to pass from economic accident to stabilization and steady rapid growth in difficult conditions
04/15/19 20:00
Education, medicine, investments, housing and public utilities were discussed in Moscow by the Pridnestrovian delegation
04/13/19 12:38
Now, livestock farms that are planning to increase their milking herd, as well as market gardeners interested in the development of land reclamation can count on preferential loans
04/13/19 11:28
Its realization has to promote the reduction of dependence of the republic on import products and growth of an agricultural cluster in the structure of the economy
04/12/19 13:53
The new equipment will ensure the safety and stability of technology, improve the quality of raw materials and reduce energy costs