
03/13/19 21:41
There the young people wishing to begin their own business will study
03/13/19 21:23
The Investment Agency leadership told about a set of activities for this year
03/13/19 17:09
They are designated on the domestic market and have to promote import substitution
03/13/19 15:24
The First Deputy Prime Minister noted that with the production volumes increase the level of citizens' well-being would also increase
03/11/19 18:17
It will add already working investment portal and will provide more detailed information on Pridnestrovie
03/11/19 14:20
Businessmen report about tightening of terms of tax audits and also ask to suspend some standards of the ecological reporting
03/07/19 16:56
Professor of the SPSU Vlada Lysenko made the report in the Ruhr University in the German Bochum
03/05/19 15:17
A new mining farm can be arranged on the site of Technopark OJSC
02/27/19 12:08
Director of the PMR Investment Agency, Andrei Betanov, commented on the results of the Pridnestrovian delegation visit to Moscow
02/26/19 21:02
The analysis of data for 2018 showed an increase in production
02/23/19 11:48
The enterprise received three new pieces of equipment
02/22/19 14:21
At the round table of the CCI, they discussed the need to optimize this process