Sergey Obolonik on business forum participation: one of the main tasks is to attract Russian investors

12/05/17 16:57

Sergey Obolonik on business forum participation: one of the main tasks is to attract Russian investors

The forum organised by Business Russia is attended by representatives of federal trading networks, which will enable Pridnestrovian businesses to expand ties with Russia
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Tiraspol, 5 December. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Attracting Russian investors to Pridnestrovie is one of the main tasks of the Pridnestrovian delegation's participation in the business forum, economic development minister Sergey Obolonik said.   The forum, organised by non-governmental organisation Business Russia, is taking place in Moscow.

According to the minister, it carries a very high practical load. "It is because specific business structures take part in the forum besides Russia's economic ministry, ministry of trade and industry and the Russian Expert Centre. Among them are federal trading networks, which will enable Pridnestrovian businesses to expand ties with Russia, which we often speak about," noted Sergey Obolonik.

According to the minister, the forum will feature investment projects of Pridnestrovian enterprises, as well as the investment medium that could be of interest to Russian colleagues. "And we hope to move in that direction. So that our investment facilities work and attract investors," he added.

"In order to invest in our economy, a favourable climate is being created, which includes low tax rates, skilled workforce. Of course, we have risks related to  non-recognised status, insignificant logistical risks," underscored Obolonik. "The balance between the positive and the negative should shift to the positive through the preferences created by the government," noted the minister.

One of such preferences, according to Obolonik, is new investment legislation. "The investment law will be submitted for consideration and discussion to Busines Russia, Agency of Strategic Initiatives. That is, this product is worked out as joint solutions that would respond to the wishes of the Russian business, to what it wants to see when investing money in Pridnestrovie. And in this case, we can really move further and develop," said the minister.

"We believe that in this format and with the support of the Russian business community, authorities, exporters we'll be able to find a solution which will enable our entrepreneurs to engage in active economic activities directly with Russian businesses," concluded Obolonik.

The Pridnestrovian delegation headed by prime minister Alexander Martynov is on a working visit to Moscow. This is a return visit by representatives of various governmental agencies and enterprises.

In early September, Business Russia representatives visited Tiraspol. An agreement was signed back then to delegate a Pridnestrovian representative to Business Russia and organise a return visit.

The programme of the visit includes round tables on the development of business cooperation between our country and Russia, as well as signing a three-sided memorandum on mutual understanding and cooperation. The topics to discuss will include issues of industrial and agricultural cooperation.


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