Weight control stations of heavyweight’s transport planned to be established

09/15/21 19:12

Weight control stations of heavyweight’s transport planned to be established

Stations are proposed to be equipped in the Bendery, Slobodzeya, Dubossary and Rybnitsa districts

Tiraspol, September 15 /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The working on improving the control system over the extraction as well as minerals sale was discussed in the PMR Government. The deterioration of road infrastructure due to the heavyweights’ movement is one of the main issues.

According to the PMR Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economic Development Sergei Obolonik, the volume of industrial carriage as well as its negative impact on the road pavement condition are exceeding every action for preserving the road surface.

“The amounts of damage suffered are incomparable with those ones, which are allocated for the road surface reconstruction,” Sergei Obolonik stressed.

It’s proposed to equip four weight control stations in Bendery, Slobodzeya, Dubossary and Rybnitsa districts in order to build heavyweight transport stations. It’s assumed that not only weight determination devices will be located here, but also surveillance cameras, which will be included in the customs authorities general network.

Such facilities construction will require serious investments, but, according to experts this will have a direct impact on financial flows.

“The practice of weights system locating at the main logical assemblies is an integral control element of the cargo transferring on the any state territory. Such norm is applying not only to the inert materials transportation, but also to an element of cargo traffic standard control” Sergei Obolonik noted.

Under the Prime Minister instruction, the issue will be further explored and an economic justification will be prepared for such a control system introduction in the freight traffic field. The Internal Affairs Ministry is ready to undertake the functional for its implementation. In such an event, in its structure a separate subdivision it’s supposed to be created.

Moreover, the working is fully focused on the proposals development for amendments to the Administrative Violations Code. The possibility of introducing presumptive damages for prohibiting or restricting traffic signs violation for heavyweights’ transport is being studied. Moreover, it’s proposed to send about 50 per cent of fines paid to the Road Fund.

At the moment, while a new mechanism for the republic is discussed, verification tool of the exported inert materials volume through the legal entities equipment, which is carrying out the extraction of minerals are already being implemented. For this purpose, surveillance cameras as well as approved weights systems in the exploitation points are installed.

In the republic has developed such a situation when a significant deviation of domestic prices from much lower export ones for aggregates is recorded. In order to prevent the undervaluation of mineral resources value during their export and the completeness of foreign exchange earnings repatriation, a number of measures were taken for introducing, developing and improving the indicative prices system. The mechanism has proven its effectiveness: average export prices have been increased compared to the previous year.

According to the PMR Deputy Prime Minister report “If sand was exported at 3.42 dollars per one tonne, at the moment it’s already about at 4.06 dollars. The growth by almost 15 per cent. The gravel was about at 3.52 dollars, but at the moment it’s about 5.35 dollars. The sand-gravel aggregate was at 3 dollars, now it’s about 4.17 dollars, an increasing of 25 per cent is evident.”

One of instructions concerned the situation studying on the ground with the restrictive and prohibiting traffic signs’ equipment on problem roads sections on which heavyweight vehicles cannot move. The unaccounted areas of the republics’ towns and districts which indicates a reasonable local authorities’ approach to the transport arteries’ operation haven’t been identified, the PMR Government press service reports.


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