The Energy Operational Headquarters: Current Information

01/10/25 12:32

The Energy Operational Headquarters: Current Information

The PMR Government Deputy Chairman Sergey Obolonik informed the President and colleagues at the Operational Headquarters that over 1600 accidents have occurred on the power grids, affecting 48290 subscribers since the beginning of the energy crisis in the republic. The State Unitary Enterprise "Unified Distribution Electricity Networks" received 93 calls regarding power supply failures over the past 24 hours. 132 specialists (more than thirty teams) participated in the elimination of the consequences the day before. 65 accidents were recorded on in-house heating networks yesterday. 1086 cases in total since the beginning of the year. Ruptures occur due to the cooling of the system, in which water continues to circulate for prompt launch in the future.

Three days of strict energy savings with the help of shutdowns twice a day for 4 hours made it possible to stabilize the system. Power engineers have regrouped subscribers and are changing the schedule of rolling blackouts. There will be from today five-hour power outages once a day. The outage periods are from 8:00 to 13:00, from 13:00 to 18:00 and from 18:00 to 23:00, according to the established list. This opportunity has become possible, among other things, thanks to the launch of the third power generating facility, Tirotex-Energo. The cogeneration power plant will produce 10-15 MW of electricity. The so-called 17th group of electricity consumers, manufacturing enterprises, can use electricity from midnight to 6 am. Elektromash, Odema and Intercenter-Lux have started working in night mode. Some enterprises plan to start working in night shifts from Monday. Organizations that ensure food security are functioning without interruptions. Catering establishments, like all subscribers, are included in the rolling blackout program. They and trade organizations are strongly recommended to abandon bright light advertising and energy-intensive window decoration. It was mentioned at the meeting that many social institutions of the republic were provided with generators two years ago by presidential order, which today allows them to cope with the consequences of the energy crisis with greater success. They talked about the fact that generators and electrical equipment can be imported into the republic duty-free. If we are talking about household appliances, then customs clearance is not required, more powerful units must be registered, but the import duty rate remains zero. The discussion touched on equipment that generates electricity using solar energy. This is already being used in the republic, demonstrating the effectiveness and prospects of this direction.


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