Pridnestrovie favored further dialogue with Moldova - PMR President

06/27/22 15:30

Pridnestrovie favored further dialogue with Moldova - PMR President

Without negotiation in the 5 + 2 format, it is necessary to pursue the process using other mechanisms - Vadim Krasnoselsky

Tiraspol, June 27. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. During his meeting with the British Ambassador Stephen Fisher, PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky spoke about the negotiation process with Moldova.

The head of the Pridnestrovian state stressed that the republic favored further dialogue.

“We have contacts; the work is underway. Yet there are a number some Moldovan politicians` incomprehensible actions that do not add positive to our relations,” Vadim Krasnoselsky stated.

Without the negotiation in the 5 + 2 format, it is necessary to pursue the process using other mechanisms, the President emphasized.

Today, Tiraspol has contacts with Chisinau at different levels but Moldovan-Pridnestrovian negotiations are not conducted as such either at the level of heads of state or political representatives (1 + 1) or in the international format 5 + 2.


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