The Tasks set by the President to ensure the Economic Self-Sufficiency of the Republic

01/20/22 14:31

The Tasks set by the President to ensure the Economic Self-Sufficiency of the Republic

The addressees of the presidential instructions, the execution of which is aimed at ensuring the economic self-sufficiency of Pridnestrovie, are the PMR Government, the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

In the field of economics and finance:

I. For the Government:

1. To ensure macroeconomic stability and growth of gross domestic product.

2. To ensure the payment of wages, pensions and benefits in full and within the time limits stipulated by law.

3. To carry out the development of legislative act providing for a new approach to remuneration of employees in the public sector, based on a guarantee of remuneration not lower than in previous periods, and the possibility of increasing base salaries (allowances, additional payments) depending on the performance of employees.

4. To develop a program for the development of the industry of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic as a whole and for each enterprise in the industry in particular - with specific goals, objectives, deadlines for implementation and with its subsequent submission for approval to the Supreme Council.

5. To implement an increase in the level of corruption resistance in the sphere of public procurement.

 II. For the Ministry of Economic Development:

1. To continue in 2022 the implementation of existing approaches in the field of concessional lending to industries, agriculture, and tourism.

2. To complete work on the preparation of the Tax Code of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic.

3. To improve the legislation and information system in the field of procurement, increase the efficiency of control over the implementation of legislation on public procurement.

4. To continue cooperation with the Russian Federation to expand the directions of Pridnestrovian exports to the Russian market, as well as ensuring the preservation of the preferential regime of foreign trade with the European Union.

5. To improve the legislation on state support of investment activities in terms of simplifying the mechanism for calculating and paying taxes for investors, increasing the scale of interaction with the subjects of investment activity. Conduct individual work with each potential investor.

6. To continue the implementation of the "Buy Pridnestrovian!" projects and "Business School" as well as activities to develop tourism infrastructure.

7. To continue the implementation of the investment policy of the state by executing the program of the Capital Investment Fund in order to improve social infrastructure, apply modern pricing methods in construction (resource method). Control over the implementation of the resource method is carried out exclusively by the Department of Construction, Architecture and Road Facilities of the Ministry of Economic Development - without transferring this function to anyone.

8. To strengthen control over the timely implementation of programs for the development of the road industry for public roads, for the repair and reconstruction of sidewalks in settlements, as well as for the improvement of the territories of educational organizations and socio-cultural institutions.

9. To pay special attention to providing rural settlements with electricity, water, heat, gas supply, and sanitation.

10. To continue repair of networks and systems of electricity, water, heat, gas supply, sanitation.

11. To ensure the implementation of the activities of the Tourism Support and Development Program for 2019-2026, primarily aimed at the development of a new law on tourism that meets the current context and objectives of the integrated development of tourism.

12. To carry out work to repair roads and sidewalks using local building materials, using modern technologies.

13. To carry out systematically verification activities in order to prevent unreasonable increases in prices for fuels and lubricants, foodstuffs and medicines.

III. For the Ministry of Finance:

1. To improve the system of tax administration and tax control, including strengthening the role and improving the tools of in-house control carried out by the tax authorities at the stage of acceptance of tax and financial statements, the implementation of systematic and effective control over compliance with the law in the field of individual entrepreneurial activity.

2. To carry out the development of informatization and the introduction of modern software products in the tax authorities, including:

a) introduction of a mechanism for online payment of taxes by individual entrepreneurs throughout the republic;

b) implementation of the possibility for individual entrepreneurs to obtain documents of a permissive nature, confirming the right to carry out entrepreneurial activities under special tax regimes, in electronic form through the "Public Services Portal";

c) development and implementation of the web service "Personal account of an individual entrepreneur";

d) full-scale implementation of the provisions of the Law “On the Procedure for Submitting Financial, Tax and Statistical Reporting in Electronic Form via Telecommunication Channels”.

3. In order to provide tools for the most economical, rational and efficient use of budgetary funds, including through the implementation of tasks for the development and implementation of modern technologies that make it possible to automate and facilitate the system of predictive and analytical research to the maximum, increase the reliability and efficiency of obtaining reporting data, implement the possibility of accounting and current control of the obligations assumed by the main managers of budgetary funds in full as they are accepted.


In the field of agriculture and management of nature 

(To the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources):

1. To continue work on the development of irrigated agriculture as the basis for the growth of agricultural production. Carry out repair and restoration work of pumping stations and reclamation networks in order to create technical conditions for guaranteed water supply for irrigation purposes and connect an additional number of economic entities to the reclamation system. Carry out the implementation of the state target program for the restoration and development of the reclamation complex of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic for 2022-2026.

2. To carry out the implementation of measures aimed at the rational and efficient use of agricultural land and strengthening land control and supervision over the growth of quarantine weeds, reducing the area of ​​unused agricultural land, maintaining soil fertility. Strengthen responsibility for non-fulfillment of requirements aimed at combating the spread of ragweed.

3. To implement the State Program for the Development of the Mineral Resource Base, Rational and Integrated Use of Mineral Resources and Protection of the Subsoil of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic for 2022-2026.

4. To carry out activities for environmental education, environmental campaigns, promote the implementation of the program for planting greenery in the settlements of the republic.

5. To carry out regulatory consolidation of the principle “plant two trees instead of 1 felled tree” everywhere, both in rural areas and in cities.

6. To implement a ban on felling trees without the consent of the state administration and the Council of People's Deputies.

7. Taking into account the identified shortcomings and facts of theft, to recognize the activities of the State Unitary Enterprise "Pridnestrovie-Forest"  as unsatisfactory. The Government should make a proposal on the candidacy of the new head of the enterprise. Alexander Vladimirovich Martynov please take the decision of the issue on the State Unitary Enterprise "Pridnestrovie-Forest" under personal control, under personal responsibility. As part of the expansion of the scope of economic activity of the enterprise, organize the sale of chopped firewood by the enterprise.

8. The Government should strengthen control over the sale of Pridnestrovian timber products to the Republic of Moldova. Conduct an analysis of the situation in the field of illegal export of timber.

9. Together with the Government, the Ministry of Agriculture should update the regulatory framework governing the use of forests and subsoil in the republic in connection with modern challenges.

10. The Ministry of Agriculture, the State Ecology Service, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of State Security, the State Customs Committee, the Prosecutor's Office (taking into account the areas of responsibility) to conduct ongoing verification activities for compliance with the legislation on forestry and subsoil. Ensure compliance with laws. Carry out verification activities in relation to quarrying (sand, sand and gravel). Do not issue a license for activities or stop licensing business entities that transport products by heavy vehicles on roads passing in settlements near residential buildings.


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