The Parliamentary Commission on Foreign Policy and International Relation Prepared Draft Statement on Inadmissibility of Escalation in Security Zone

12/11/20 13:40

The Parliamentary Commission on Foreign Policy and International Relation Prepared Draft Statement on Inadmissibility of Escalation in Security Zone

Deputies will consider the document at a plenary session

Tiraspol, December 11. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The work of the Joint Control Commission (JCC) and the Joint Military Command (JMC) is systematically blocked by the Moldovan delegation in the JCC. The Supreme Council Deputies are concerned about the aggravation of the situation in the Security Zone. The Parliamentary Commission on Foreign Policy and International Relations held an online meeting with the participation of the Co-Chairman of the Joint Control Commission from Pridnestrovie Oleg Belyakov and Deputy Foreign Minister of the PMR Alexander Stetsyuk.

Oleg Belyakov recalled that in 1992, there had been signed an agreement on the principles of a peaceful settlement of the armed conflict on the Dniester. The peacekeeping operation launched by the Guarantor Country Russia continues to this day.

“There are more than 1,500 servicemen in the Security Zone today. These are servicemen from Russia, Moldova, Pridnestrovie, Ukrainian military observers,” Oleg Belyakov stated.

The Co-Chairman of the JCC from Pridnestrovie noted that recently the Moldovan side had been trying to include issues in the agenda that hadn’t been within the Joint Control Commission competence. 

“This is the work of law enforcement agencies. These are public events that take place in the Security Zone. Moldova tries to involve a peacekeeping forces in these events, which is counterproductive and impossible. We see a certain escalation related to blocking military observers` work under these circumstances,” Oleg Belyakov emphasized.

As an example, he cited the events of November, when the Moldovan side completely blocked the work of the military observers during the President of Moldova election.

The Head of the Pridnestrovian delegation stressed that the system of blocking the work of the JCC could lead to a disruption of the peacekeeper’s main functions realization. This will cause a public outcry and certain actions of the parties, which will be aimed at creating an unfriendly atmosphere, including in the Security Zone, he said. The JCC Co-Chairman from Pridnestrovie added that such events were taking place permanently with the tension in political situation of Moldova

“The main guarantor of the peacekeeping operation is the Russian Federation. We see that Russia is trying to resolve this situation at various forums and platforms. We must not stand aside. The opinion of the population living in this territory is important, the opinion of public organizations, the opinion of the Supreme Council is important,” Oleg Belyakov noted.

The Parliamentary Commission on Foreign Policy and International Relations prepared a draft Statement of the Supreme Council on the inadmissibility of escalation in the Security Zone.

“The rising tension has been caused by the systematic blocking of the Joint Control Commission and the Joint Military Command work by the Republic of Moldova. And it is politically conditioned,” the draft Statement of the Supreme Council says.  

The Supreme Council considers it necessary to start holding bilateral consultations on the peacekeeping operation functioning on the Dniester with representatives of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

“The next year will be difficult both in the negotiation process and because of the election of the Republic of Moldova new President, who makes open statements about the withdrawal of the peacekeeping forces in a short time after the elections. We understand that there will be many problems and difficulties. Therefore, we must actively participate in the settlement of these issues and not give an opportunity to create conditions for blocking of the negotiation process in the 5 + 2 format. We must create a dialogue, do everything that the peacekeeping process is in the format, which it works now. The changes should be only for the better,” the Vice-Speaker of the Parliament, Head of the Commission Galina Antyufeeva said. 

The draft Statement of the Supreme Council prepared by the Commission on Foreign Policy and International Relations will be considered by the deputies at a plenary session today.


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