JCC called on residents of the Security Zone to surrender weapons and ammunition voluntarily

02/20/20 16:03

JCC called on residents of the Security Zone to surrender weapons and ammunition voluntarily

JCC called on residents of the Security Zone to surrender weapons and ammunition voluntarily The governing body of the peacekeeping operation reminds that voluntarily weapons surrender exempted from criminal liability

Bendery, February 20./Novosti Pridnestrovya/. As part of the implementation of the Agreement on Principles of Peaceful Settlement, law enforcement agencies carries out a set of measures to detect and seize illegally stored weapons and ammunition from the population. As a result, there has been a significant reduction in the registration of crimes with firearms and explosives. Тhe facts of its theft also have not been recorded recently, according to the appeal of the Joint Control Commission (JCC).

However, the JCC continues to face the facts of waif or illegally stored weapons, ammunition and explosives in the Security Zone.

''In order to reduce the level of possible serious consequences related to cases of uncontrolled arms trafficking in the Security Zone, the JCC calls on residents to surrender the illegally stored weapons, ammunition, explosives and other items prohibited for civilian trafficking voluntarily to the law enforcement agencies of the parties with the assistance of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces,'' is stressed in the address.

The JCC recalls that according to the current legislation, voluntarily illegally stored weapons surrender exempted from criminal, administrative and other liability.

''The JCC expresses the hope that the implementation of the proposed measures will significantly reduce dangerous items illegal traffic in the Safety Zone and thus contribute to improving the stability level and mutual confidence of the parties,'' the document notes.


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