The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky addressed the Government and parliamentarians with Budget Message

07/10/19 12:20

The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky addressed the Government and parliamentarians with Budget Message

The Message of the President to the legislators and the Heads of state authorities and administration is provided for by the Constitution of the PMR. The message is voiced on the eve of the beginning of work on the draft budget of the republic and covers the most important issues of the life of the state. Vadim Krasnoselsky addressed the Government and deputies at the plenary hall of the PMR Supreme Council. Among those invited are the leadership and members of the PMR Government, parliamentarians, senior officials of state administrations of cities and districts of the republic, various departments and organizations, including public ones, as well as the First PMR President Igor Smirnov, and Archbishop of Tiraspol and Dubossary Sawa.

Welcoming the audience, the President noted that the Budget Message reflects the issues of political, economic and social development of Pridnestrovie. The document is based on the provisions of the eight-year Strategy. Vadim Krasnoselsky called budget planning the search for optimal solutions for the most economical and efficient use of public funds, emphasizing the importance of adapting the economy to modern realities. The president spoke about its post-crisis growth, voicing the main economic indicators. The President outlined three fundamental tasks, implementation of which will form the basis of the activities of the legislative and executive branches of Government: ensuring the balance of the republican budget, fulfilling social obligations to citizens and implementing state programs. Vadim Krasnoselsky focused on the main projects of the state level - programs implemented at the expense of the Road Fund. The President focused on implementation of the centralized procurement of road machinery, lighting of the streets of the countryside, and the improvement of inner courtyards. The President aimed at the continuation of work on providing state support to agricultural producers and further improving investment indicators. The health issue was not left without attention. It was recognized by presidential decree as a priority in 2020. According to Vadim Krasnoselsky, it is not only about measures to protect the health of citizens, but also about physical culture and sports, healthy lifestyles, quality nutrition, favorable environmental conditions.

The President mentioned tariff policy, noting that for the first time in many years, when forming tariffs, not only the principles of state support of the population, but also the interests of strategically important enterprises were taken into account. The PRB is charged with taking a set of measures to provide cheap loans to the real economy. Another assignment to the republican bank is to introduce an affordable mortgage lending program with citizens' lifting interest rates and repayment terms. This is one of the components of the state policy in the sphere of providing citizens with affordable housing. Its construction is actively underway. It is planned to put into operation 628 new apartments by 2021. One of the goals of the multi-level affordable housing program is to entrench young people and specialists in the republic. The Government is tasked with completing work on relevant legislative initiatives. At the same time, it is necessary to continue work on creating new jobs, Vadim Krasnoselsky noted. Another important point that the President paid attention to is the introduction of state order system for specialists.

Social support of the population took a significant part of the presidential Message. He spoke about interaction with the public.

Vadim Krasnoselsky in conclusion emphasized that "implementation of the budget does not begin on January 1, but today"


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