‘Buy Pridnestrovian!’ exhibition may be held in Moscow

09/20/17 20:12

‘Buy Pridnestrovian!’ exhibition may be held in Moscow

The president has held a meeting today on organisational matters of the fair

Tiraspol, 20 September. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The "Buy Pridnestrovian!" expo fair is likely to be held in Moscow soon. The president has held a meeting today with representatives of ministries, Supreme Council and public organisations representing the Pridnestrovian business community to discuss organisational matters.

This format of promoting domestic products has been successfully tested in Pridnestrovie. Of eight exhibitions "Buy Pridnestrovian!" to be held this year in the country, six have already been held. These events are popular among Pridnestrovians, the president's press service reports.

Emphasising the significance of the scheduled event for Pridnestrovian manufacturers, the president noted that the exhibition should be organised at a decent level.  All questions need to be carefully worked out — from the venue and format to information support for the event and reproduction of Pridnestrovian colouring. The participants spoke about the advisability of producing printed materials, as well as photo and video footage of the event presenting not only Pridnestrovie's economy but the country in general.

As many Pridnestrovian enterprises as possible should be invited to take part in the exhibition, the president noted. The government has already prepared a preliminary list of potential participants. Besides, it is planned to send the nomenclature of Pridnestrovian goods to Russian colleagues, prime minister Alexander Martynov said.

The president believes that public organisations representing Pridnestrovie in Russia can assist in organising the exhibition. The assistance of commercial missions of Pridnestrovian enterprises, which already operate in Russia, will also be useful.


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