President: 25th anniversary of peacekeeping operation a holiday uniting Pridnestrovians

07/29/17 16:56

President: 25th anniversary of peacekeeping operation a holiday uniting Pridnestrovians

Moldova, in the meantime, has been making every effort to eliminate peacemaking on the Dniester banks, said the president

Tiraspol, 29 July. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The 25th anniversary of the peacekeeping operation in the Dniester region is a celebration that brings together the Pridnestrovian people. while Moldova is struggling to eliminate peacekeeping efforts in the region, «leading to an escalation of the conflict and to possible hostilities, including by deploying posts in Ukrainian territory.» This is what Vadim Krasnoselsky said during a press conference following a flower-laying ceremony at a monument to the Peacekeeping Warrior in Bendery.

«This is the true face of Moldovan politics," noted the president.

Vadim Krasnoselsky also said he was ready to meet Moldovan President Igor Dodon, who has not come to today's commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the peacekeeping operation in the PMR.

It was expected that following the commemorative events trilateral talks would take place in Bendery with the involvement of Russia's presidential representative on Pridnestrovie Dmitry Rogozin, Moldovan and Pridnestrovian leaders, Igor Dodon and Vadim Krasnoselsky. But due to the fact that the plane on which Rogozin was flying had not been allowed into Romanian airspace, the Russian vice premier was not able to arrive in Pridnestrovie. It became known on 28 July that the Moldovan military in the Joint Control Commission and the Joint Military Command had refused to take part in the scheduled events in Bendery.

«Therefore, had the Moldovan president come here, whom would he represent? As Igor Dodon's participation was excluded, we held this event as a holiday of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic," underscored the president.

According to Vadim Krasnoselsky, despite being disrupted today, a working meeting with the Moldovan president will take place in the coming months. The sides have much to discuss.

«No one is evading the negotiating format, negotiating process. I'm ready to meet Mr Dodon. This needs to be arranged anywhere — either in Pridnestrovie, in Bendery or in Moldova, as will be indicated. We have many things to discuss. There are many issues," said the Pridnestrovian president.

The head of state thanked the peacekeepers for peace on the Pridnestrovian soil, recalling that Moldova had yet to give a legal assessment of the bloody events of the 1992 summer after which the peacekeeping forces were introduced.

«There is no awareness, repentance without a legal assessment. And, of course, there is no forgiveness. And all the other actions the neighbouring states are taking against us indicate that Moldova has not recovered from revanchism, that is, to finish what began in 1992 and what was prevented by the peacekeepers, ensuring peace in our region. This is why I want to thank all peacekeepers for their military feat and labour," the president addressed the servicemen.

The head of state underscored that the Pridnestrovian people, the country's leadership would do their best to preserve the Russian mission on the banks of the Dniester.


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