Turnover tax may replace income tax for commercial organisations

09/06/16 17:06

Turnover tax may replace income tax for commercial organisations

The tax rate will be lowered from 13% to 3%

Tiraspol, 6 May. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Income tax may be replaced by turnover tax for commercial organisations. The corresponding amendments to the law On corporate tax are stipulated in a draft concept of budget and tax approved by the government (to be adopted by the Supreme Council), as well as in a draft law submitted to the parliament.

Today commercial organisations pay the tax based on the difference between the purchase and sale price, which includes purchase, transportation and storage costs. According to Deputy Minister of Economic Development Natalya Sokolova, who presented the draft law to the government, fiscal authorities often experience difficulties when checking the indicated purchase price, which may result in wrong tax base calculations.

If commercial organisations begin to pay the tax on turnover, i.e. directly on the sale price, this problem will be resolved. «We believe this will greatly facilitate the very procedure of calculation, the work of oversight authorities and commercial organisations," said the deputy minister.

In order to avoid increasing the tax load on commercial organisations, the tax rate will be lowered from 13% to 3%.

According to Sokolova, passing this bill may bring additional 30 million roubles to the budget.


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