Vitaly Ignatyev: in a certain sense the protocol is a road map for resolving specific issues

06/03/16 16:33

Vitaly Ignatyev: in a certain sense the protocol is a road map for resolving specific issues

Pridnestrovie's acting foreign minister has commented on the protocol signed in a follow-up to the 5+2 format negotiations

Tiraspol, 3 June. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. ​The first round of negotiations in the 5+2 format under German Chairmanship in the OSCE, which was held on June 2−3, 2016, ended with a briefing of political representatives of Pridnestrovie and the Republic of Moldova. Special Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office Ambassador Cord Meier-Klodt and Head of the OSCE Mission to Moldova Michael Scanlan summed up the discussion.

In his speech, Vitaly Ignatiev noted a pragmatic attitude and efforts of international mediators and observers, aimed at creating conditions to stabilize the negotiating structure and giving the necessary impetus to the promotion of the Moldovan-Pridnestrovian dialogue. The Russian proposals distributed as a «non-paper' on the eve of the meeting were highly estimated, and, according to the diplomat, became the basis for a thorough discussion of current problems in relations between Pridnestrovie and Moldova, which are a consequence of unilateral actions by the RM and prevent functional and productive negotiation process in many areas.

«I would like to note with satisfaction that, based on the Russian proposals, which were supported by all the mediators and observers during the meeting, we managed to reflect clearly and fully the algorithms of priority steps, which are necessary to ensure the efficient work of the negotiation process, in the signed protocol on the results of the meeting. In a certain sense the protocol is a specific roadmap that will allow us to approach substantively, step-by-step to the resolution of specific issues and to proceed to more positive levels, creating an atmosphere of trust, and to gradually improve the social and economic situation of Pridnestrovian people,” - said Vitaly Ignatiev.

The Head of the Foreign Ministry of Pridnestrovie focused on the fact that the protocol signed after the meeting contains concrete obligations of the parties in finding in the short term sustainable solutions for politically motivated criminal cases, improvement of the guarantee mechanism for implementation of achieved solutions within the framework of the negotiation process, participation in the international movement of vehicles with Pridnestrovian number plates, usage of educational documents, issued in Pridnestrovie, abroad, and a number of other important aspects. The diplomat also expressed hope for the support of the international mediators and observers in providing active work at all levels of the Moldovan-Pridnestrovian negotiations.

During his speech the Head of the PMR’s MFA also said that the Pridnestrovian side appealed to the international participants in the 5+2 with a request to assist in the speedy resolution of such an important social and humanitarian problem as access of Pridnestrovian vehicles to the territory of their countries. «I think that such a «gesture of goodwill” will be a very important step forward”, — the diplomat added.

Responding to a journalist’s question regarding the agreements on the mentioned urgent problems planned to be signed in the near future, including during the Bavarian conference, Vitaly Ignatiev pointed out that a lot will depend on the activity and the effectiveness of the parties in the run-up to the event. «This concerns not only the environment, but also apostilization of diplomas, as well as the issue of vehicles and number plates issued by the Pridnestrovian side. So now we have a few weeks that will actually show a real willingness to achieve concrete solutions”, — stated the diplomat.


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