Main news

06/28/16 14:40
The agreement will also help to establish economic ties between Pridnestrovie and Novosibirsk
06/28/16 13:48
There are also plans to organise an exchange of children's delegations as part of youth policy
06/27/16 16:21
According to Public Chamber members, public hearings and consultations should be held at this stage
06/23/16 21:23
According to the Pridnestrovian president, the currency crisis, because of which big retail chains are experiencing import difficulties, could have been overcome had timely decisions been made
06/23/16 20:55
According to the president, delaying the resolution of the "foreign exchange issue" is due to the imperfection of the state administration system
06/23/16 20:34
According to the Head of state, it is one of the instruments of the pre-election rally starting before its due time
06/20/16 22:09
In 11 years over 150,000 money transactions have been performed at an aggregate amount of 116 million roubles
06/20/16 13:47
This is done to support the Moldavcabel plant
06/19/16 11:05
A requiem rally was organised to commemorate the city's fallen defenders
06/16/16 20:09
Particular measures were taken to reduce import excise duties and ease the requirements for goods imported without the conclusion of foreign trade agreements
06/16/16 13:57
A solemn meeting took place in Tiraspol ahead of Medical Worker Day,
06/15/16 21:10
The document is aimed, among other things, at preventing illegal fishing activities
06/15/16 14:50
According to the Pridnestrovian president, the negotiation agenda must be full of substantive results