Archive - 15/4/2019

04/15/19 22:32
More than 100 athletes from Pridnestrovie and Moldova were put together in the Tiraspol Rowing and Canoeing Championship

04/15/19 20:00
Education, medicine, investments, housing and public utilities were discussed in Moscow by the Pridnestrovian delegation

04/15/19 16:04
«2019 Carpathian Club» brought together more than 500 athletes from the different countries in Ivano-Frankivsk

04/15/19 11:45
Campaign record of the 59th Kramatorsk division of Guards became the priority theme of the excursion in the Museum of Military Glory in Tiraspol

04/15/19 11:10
Also rendering hi-tech medical care for the citizens of the Russian Federation living in the territory of Pridnestrovie is the focus of attention