
01/28/19 14:00
This year, 82 million rubles will be spent for the construction and reconstruction of facilities, and purchase of medical equipment
01/28/19 12:44
Opinions and suggestions of non-profit organizations representatives were taken into account when forming the Pridnestrovie Development Strategy
01/22/19 20:14
The conditions are to increase the wage fund at least 10% and to reach 30% (or more) portion of the fund in the structure of expenses.
01/10/19 16:24
During this time it is planned to create new sports venues, complexes, to increase the number of qualified trainers
12/28/18 14:04
More than 300 jobs will soon be opened by plant for welding wire manufacture
12/27/18 12:36
A program to promote healthy lifestyle is next in line
12/22/18 12:23
The Prime Minister and the Speaker of the Parliament sent congratulations on the occasion of the Energy Day
12/18/18 19:54
“There a lot of problems accumulated in the republic, and we will solve them, distributing financial resources as rationally as possible” - Prime Minister Alexander Martynov said
12/18/18 16:59
The Head of state communicated to the journalists during the final press conference
12/14/18 18:23
The new block of the factory is opened due to the soft loans which economic agents of Pridnestrovie obtain according to the program of delivery of the subsidized loans
12/14/18 11:46
Prime Minister Alexander Martynov told reporters, that thanks to the new law on investment support, there are new enterprises and jobs being created
12/06/18 16:17
Representatives of the consulting company “Berlin Economics” noted that in the first half of 2018, there was a 19 per cent increase in PMR GDP, a revival of industrial production and energy was recorded