01/29/19 16:40


On December 12, 2018, the President signed the decree approving the PMR Development Strategy 2019-2026. The document is based on three principles: political stability, economic self-sufficiency and social justice. The second section of the Strategy is the most voluminous. Execution of the third volume of the Strategy depends on the realization of the second one. As the Press Service of the Government reports, the Deputy Chairman of the Government Alexey Tsurkan told it to the Radio 1 during the program «In the spotlight».

«We often say that for the solution of social tasks, to make citizens feel the improvement of life quality, we need resources. It is necessary to create an economic basis in the state. It has to be enough money in the budget in order to fulfil all our obligations for the salaries, pensions, food, providing with medicines fully and in time, without any delays», – the Deputy Prime Minister noted.

Forming of trusting relationship «the state – business» is one of the problems of the Economic part of the Strategy. As Alexey Tsurkan told, in this direction the management of the Government will continue the practice of communication with the enterprise community. Let's remind since 2017 meetings take place on a regular basis. «The platform of the Government is open for any public organization», – the Deputy Chairman of the Government emphasized.

One more position of economic self-sufficiency is the Business Development Fund initiated by the Prime Minister. The target source will start to work this year.

«It assumes granting soft loans, the organization of a business school for the beginning businessmen or persons interested to open the business. They will have an opportunity to gain basic knowledge about an entrepreneurial activity. Allocation of money on startups on a grant system is provided», – Alexey Tsurkan reported.

As well as in the 2018th, in the 2019th will continue to popularize our investment legislation on various platforms. At the same time, Pridnestrovie will offer ready business projects to potential investors.

«The investments agency prepared own investment projects on the development of the priority industries of Pridnestrovie. Like goods on shelves of the shop when businessmen have money and they do not know where to enclose them. Here we offer them a ready-made product with clear obligations and the states, and the investor», – the Deputy Prime Minister explained.

Among priority, there are agrarian and industrial complexes, the construction, pharmaceutical industries, heavy and chemical industry.

As for the agro-industrial complex, the vision of the Government has stated in the program for its development calculated till 2026. One of the tasks is an effective and rational use of lands.

«The hectare of the land can be used differently: someone grows up grain, and someone specializes in vegetables and fruit. It is a different load of the land and different added value in the structure of GDP. It is more favourable as we consider, both for landowners, and for the economy, the agrarian and industrial sector production of fruit and vegetable products, and within the same Business Development Fund we assume development of stone cultures, cattle, the dairy industry», – Alexey Tsurkan noted.

The third block of Strategy is social justice. Measures of support and development of citizens are described there, it is separately told about the health sector. By the way, at the end of December, the Concept of development and promoting of physical culture and sport was approved. Now, according to the Deputy Prime Minister, there has to be a conceptual action plan on each section of the document.

In general, Alexey Tsurkan put end under a conversation on the Strategy, the certain ideology is for the first time formulated rather accurately. It consists of three steps: m., the realization of results of a referendum of 2006, formation of «the Pridnestrovian people» community and creation of the socially oriented state with a market economy.

«We will not be able to develop our social sphere without resources. But we move in these directions. Let resources be also limited, but we speak also about the Investments Fund which had already shown its effectiveness in 2018, and about indexation of salaries and pensions. We have no time to postpone something for tomorrow. Therefore we try to move on several vectors», – Alexey Tsurkan concluded.


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