
06/13/24 16:45
The activity of the Moldovan military causes concern among residents of the PMR, notes Oleg Belyakov, co-chairman of the JCC from Pridnestrovie
05/30/24 15:30
This position causes bewilderment among the Pridnestrovian delegation to the JCC
10/06/22 15:59
The delegation of Pridnestrovie made a statement regarding the military exercises held by Moldova
11/28/19 15:59
The last test on the readiness of the JPF was carried out in April 2013
10/24/19 19:02
Maneuvers were held from September 16 to 20 with the participation of more than 1000 troops from the Republic of Moldova, Romania and the USA
03/06/19 11:25
Co-Chairman of the peacekeeping operation governing body commented on the planned military exercises in the training area near the village of Bulboaca
05/18/16 16:36
На войсковом стрельбище прошел заключительный этап учений Оперативной группы российских войск в Приднестровье. В результате учений успешно выполнены все поставленные задачи. Условный противник обнаружен и нейтрализован. За ходом учений наблюдал Глава государства Евгений Шевчук.