
05/30/18 13:40
Центр по повышению полевой выучки офицеров провел занятия для разведывательных подразделений и снайперских пар.  В ходе сборов со снайперами особое внимание уделялось огневой и тактической подготовкам. Военнослужащие стреляли из различных положений, проводили разведку целей, определяли дальности до нее, учились выбирать огневую позицию и маскировать ее. 
05/19/17 13:06
The field engineers who died in 1992 were commemorated today in Parkany village. The honour was also given to the military who made a difficult, but important decision 25 years ago
02/08/17 11:42
Supreme Council passed a relevant bill in the first reading, however within further work on its text a list of certain countries where higher education institutions entering will provide a right for draft deferment can be spelled out
02/01/17 13:03
It will employ, meanwhile, the existing sports facilities of various military units, but in the future, it will have its own sports centre
01/23/17 18:33
With a staff of nine persons, the military newspaper has a circulation of 1,630
11/09/16 10:45
According to Pridnestrovie's foreign ministry, interaction between the armed forces of the PMR and the Russian Federation is an internal affair of Pridnestrovie and Russia and does not imply any third-party evaluations
09/28/16 13:00
But only if there is a threat to people's lives or a possibility of environmental disaster. In other cases, criminals must be possibly taken alive
04/15/16 13:22
According to the Pridnestrovie's President Yevgeny Shevchuk, the army units have showed their combat skills, accurate and well-coordinated actions