
02/01/22 15:02
Meanwhile, RM cannot pay for gas
02/05/20 20:13
The deserter returned to Pridnestrovie is still performing military service in the PMR army
11/19/19 17:04
Today, one of the oldest armed service professional holidays - The Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery - was celebrated in Tiraspol. The fallen heroes were honored at the capital Memorial. Shooting demonstration was held at the test site.  
09/06/19 14:33
It was dedicated to the 28th anniversary of the PMR Armed Forces
01/28/19 12:58
Its military traditions remained in modern armies of Russia, Belarus and Pridnestrovie
12/18/18 18:34
Vadim Krasnoselski spoke about the state plans for the next year regarding the maintenance of the Armed Force
07/07/18 11:26
A concert was held in the centre of the capital dedicated to the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
05/30/18 13:40
Центр по повышению полевой выучки офицеров провел занятия для разведывательных подразделений и снайперских пар.  В ходе сборов со снайперами особое внимание уделялось огневой и тактической подготовкам. Военнослужащие стреляли из различных положений, проводили разведку целей, определяли дальности до нее, учились выбирать огневую позицию и маскировать ее.