President gave tasks to Ministry of Defense

01/24/21 14:09

President gave tasks to Ministry of Defense

1. Take appropriate measures to strengthen military discipline, improve the combat and ideological training of servicemen, including through regular military and training sessions. In principle, this task is constant, it has never changed. All is clear.

2. To continue and expand the practice of organizing conscript service for military personnel according to the "working day" system. Nothing has changed here either, except that due to the coronavirus pandemic, we were forced to temporarily suspend the “working day” mechanism, and the servicemen have been at the barracks practically since March. A decision was made in the course of the recent meeting of the Operational Headquarters, to allow the dismissal of servicemen under responsibility of the commanders - as it was before. In the future, this system needs to be developed so that every young person can repay a debt to the state, but at the same time he is close to home. This is very important from the point of view of our regional position. The fact that this directly affects discipline is a matter of course.

3. Within the framework of available opportunities, provide support to conscripts who are students and can continue their studies by correspondence at the Pridnestrovian State University. I would like to draw your attention to the following: in no case should there be any initiative of these or those commanders or chiefs who would put sand in the wheels to young people regarding their studies at the university. This will be severely punished.

4. Monitor and fully utilize funds for repair and construction work through the Capital Investment Fund, which involves the repair of barracks and other facilities of the Ministry of Defense.



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