Armed forces allowed to use lethal force against terrorists

09/28/16 13:00

Armed forces allowed to use lethal force against terrorists

But only if there is a threat to people's lives or a possibility of environmental disaster. In other cases, criminals must be possibly taken alive
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Tiraspol, 28 September. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. President Yevgeny Shevchuk has approved the regulations on the use of weaponry by the Armed Forces during counter-terrorist operations, as well as in the country's airspace and inland waters while suppressing terrorist acts.

According to the annex to this document, the military can shoot-to-kill terrorists only if there is a threat to people's lives or if an attack could lead to an environmental disaster. In other cases, it is necessary to try to capture criminals alive. I

However, special non-lethal weaponry can be used against terrorists. But their use is also restricted. For example, non-lethal weaponry cannot be used against pregnant women and disabled persons unless they provide armed resistance or their actions threaten the life and health of other citizens.

All cases of wounds or death resulting from the use of weapons, military hardware or special means used during counter-terrorist operations must be reported to the Investigation Committee.

The document also regulates the use of weaponry and military hardware in the country's airspace and inland waters.

Weapons could be used against aircraft to coerce it to land if it violates the rules on the use of airspace and does not respond to the radio commands of ground control points to stop breaking the rules or to the radio and visual commands of intercepting aircraft.

If there is a threat to human life or the onset of environmental catastrophe and aircraft does not obey the commands to land, it is permitted to destroy it.

The Armed Forces of the PMR also have the right to use weapons, preventing terrorist acts and military hardware in the country's inland waters. So, if a vessel refuses to obey the command to stop, does not respond to the conventional international signals, units of the Armed Forces have the right to fire warning shots ahead of its course, i.e. in the direction in which a ship or a boat is going to float. Weaponry or military hardware can be applied only after warning shots. Fire should be delivered on the aft of the vessel in order to stop it. If the vessel failed to stop and there is a real risk of death or the onset of an ecological catastrophe, the Armed Forces are allowed to destroy it.


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