
08/31/15 11:48
"I have already encharged the law enforcement authorities with a relevant task to take measures to identification of such persons," the President declared at the press conference
07/29/15 11:11
This is what Pridnestrovie's deputy foreign minister, Vasiliy Ingnatyev, said in an interview with journalists
07/27/15 14:14
The special attention the Pridnestrovian president gives to the problems of the peacekeeping operation has made military service far more attractive
07/27/15 12:11
The JCC cochairman from Pridnestrovie Oleg Belyakov alerts about the possible risks concerning the renewal of hostilities in case of Russian peacekeeping contingent replacement with the international military, police or civil missions
07/27/15 10:04
The chief governing body in the Security Zone of the Pridenestrovian conflict was formed in compliance with the provisions of the Agreement on principles of peaceful settlement signed by the presidents of Russia and Moldova on 21 July 1992
07/23/15 16:50
Toady a scheduled meeting of the Joint Control Commission has taken place in Bendery
07/21/15 17:02
Pridnestrovie's KGB press office says that only units of Ukraine's border service and National Guard are deployed along Ukraine's border with Pridnestrovie
07/21/15 10:37
Oleg Belyakov: "Signing this agreement was the key element in establishing peace"
07/09/15 14:22
Regular meeting of the Joint Control Commission was held on Thursday
07/07/15 11:08
Moldova's Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration Victor Osipov told it during his interview to Kommersant.
07/02/15 11:02
It was held due to the complicated and unstable political situation near the republic
07/01/15 16:32
The Russian military were congratulated by the Pridnestrovian president, Yevgeny Shevchuk, and Russia's ambassador to Moldova, Farit Mukhametishin