Electronic customs operations testing

09/09/19 15:50

Electronic customs operations testing

The SCC is working on the automation of operations carried out when importing goods into Pridnestrovie

Tiraspol, September, 9. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The State Customs Committee continues to introduce the Electronic Customs system. The press service of the State Customs Committee reports that currently, work is underway to automate and transfer to electronic form of a part of the customs operations carried out when importing goods into the republic.

“At the moment, a test procedure has been launched for customs operations related to the arrival, delivery, temporary storage of goods and vehicles. It is based on the use of the SCC information system, which allows generating customs documents in electronic form,” the department noted.

According to experts, the new procedure will significantly reduce the time required for these customs operations, and minimizes paper work.

During the test period, at least 25% of customs operations carried out in respect of goods and vehicles entering the customs territory of Pridnestrovie will be electronically covered.

Electronic customs operations are tested with several authorized operators, and subsequently this practice will be distributed to all participants in foreign economic activity.

After testing of all actions, the test procedure will become the main and mandatory for application with respect to all imported goods.


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