Vadim Krasnoselsky: Pridnestrovie doesn't want the relations between Russia and Moldova to be bad

01/22/18 14:33

Vadim Krasnoselsky: Pridnestrovie doesn't want the relations between Russia and Moldova to be bad

According to the President of the PMR, it could do harm to our republic
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Tiraspol, January 22. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Fomenting tension between Moscow and Chisinau continues. Tiraspol is not interested in such situation, because aggravation of a situation can negatively affect Pridnestrovie. The Pridnestrovie's President Vadim Krasnoselsky told it at the meeting with the head of the Council of the Federation Committee for Foreign Affairs Konstantin Kosachyov.

"I don't want the relations between Moldova and the Russian Federation to be bad, because we will suffer from it," the head of state emphasized.

Previously, the speaker of the Moldovan parliament Adrian Kandu accused Russia of international norms violation and informed about the intention to recover billions of dollars from Moscow for 'occupation' of Pridnestrovie. The Russian senator Alexey Pushkov qualified this statement as an unlikely plan doomed to a failure, RIA Novosti reports.


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