The President got acquainted with the state of affairs at the Dairy Plant of Tiraspol

11/04/21 11:45

The President got acquainted with the state of affairs at the Dairy Plant of Tiraspol

78% of the products of the Tiraspol Dairy Plant are classified as socially significant (butter, milk, sour-milk drink, sour cream, cottage cheese). A significant amount is directed to provide food for budgetary organizations of the republic. The Dairy Plant of Tiraspol produces 12000 tons of whole milk products, 320 tons of butter, 120 tons of cheese, 60 tons of ice cream over the year. All this ends up on the tables of Pridnestrovians: the enterprise works for the internal consumer. A significant part of raw materials is purchased from farms, legal entities and, to a greater extent, from the population, the President was told today during his visit to the enterprise. It was the opening of raw milk receiving points that made it possible at one time - after the privatization of the plant in 2005 – to maintain production.

The Tiraspol Dairy Plant employees said that the city dairy plant in the 70s of the last century processed about 200 tons of milk per day, the daily rate barely reached 4 tons in the 90s. This state of affairs was associated with an extremely negative situation in agriculture. The indicators are gradually growing. A serious impetus to development was given by the state subsidization system introduced several years ago – a ruble for every liter of milk taken for processing. There was an opportunity to expand production. A decision was made to create its own raw material base. Two dairy farms have appeared – in the structure of the Tiraspol Dairy Plant for 130  heads of cattle in Tsybulevka, for 360 heads of cattle in Ternovka (new buildings are being built here for the maintenance of 450 cows). The fodder base is also grown locally: 460 hectares of land are cultivated totally in two villages,.

Vadim Krasnoselsky walked through the shops of the dairy plant, talked with the management and employees. Plans and prospects were discussed. The PMR President emphasized the social significance of the enterprise. He noted the high quality of products of the Tiraspol Dairy Plant, emphasizing that its naturalness should remain a distinctive feature of the Dairy Plant of Tiraspol brand.


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