Vadim Krasnoselsky met with the Russian ambassador

03/06/24 15:50

Vadim Krasnoselsky met with the Russian ambassador

Meeting of the PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky and the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Moldova Oleg Vasnetsov was held at the presidential executive office. The PMR Foreign Minister Vitaly Ignatiev took part in the conversation.

The interlocutors noted that only a month and a half had passed since the previous meeting, but many aspects requiring discussion had accumulated. Vadim Krasnoselsky noted the complexity of current realities, lack of stability and blurred development prospects. The Moldovan-Pridnestrovian negotiation process is stagnant, the “Permanent conference...” format is idle. Additional difficulties are associated with the geopolitical situation along the perimeter of Pridnestrovie. The PMR President focused on the fact that the “5+2” format is superior in functionality and efficiency to other negotiating platforms historically, and attempts to replace it are futile. Vadim Krasnoselsky recalled that Moldova does not fulfill previously reached agreements and creates new difficulties for the Pridnestrovians, complicating interaction, without which it is impossible to resolve controversial issues. The President drew attention to the fact that the already difficult situation in Pridnestrovie has noticeably worsened since Moldova declared its course towards European integration. Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized the aggressiveness of Moldova’s actions towards the Pridnestrovians, noting that the Pridnestrovian people do not attempt to influence Moldova’s choice of vector for further development, but do not accept the policy of imposing other people’s values and guidelines at the same time.

The President spoke about the economic losses that the republic is suffering in connection with the new blockade measures on the part of the neighboring state, noting that real losses do not fit into the framework of specific figures, since we are talking about lost profits, tax revenues not received by Pridnestrovie, and the failure of economic entities that cannot withstand the pressure, lack of opportunities for domestic investment and development of business and the country’s economy as a whole. “I want to remind the politicians of Moldova that they were elected by people in order to take into account their opinions, and not in order to divide them into good and bad, second-rate and first-rate”, said Vadim Krasnoselsky. He emphasized that the VII Congress of Deputies of all levels held in Pridnestrovie was intended to urge the international community to listen to the Pridnestrovian people. Vadim Krasnoselsky drew attention to the fact that some Western diplomats, acting as lawyers, are trying to justify the actions of the Moldovan authorities, calling them “the path to Europe”.  

The PMR President voiced the assumption that the Moldovan side will continue to stagnate the negotiation process and block the work of the “5+2” format, since Moldova will sooner or later have to answer how it fulfilled the existing agreements at this site – agreements that were signed and violated by the Moldovan side. Vadim Krasnoselsky reminded that legally the format of the “Permanent Meeting...” is valid.

Oleg Vasnetsov spoke about the importance of the role of the “5+2” format. He focused on the appeal of the Pridnestrovians to Russia following the results of the General Congress, saying that the documents received are now being discussed on Russian platforms. According to the ambassador, the reaction of the leadership of the Federation Council of the State Duma of the Russian Federation is already known. The issues identified by the delegates of the Congress will be studied in detail by the executive authorities of Russia. The diplomat expressed hope that he would have the opportunity to discuss the conclusions and results with the PMR President.

The meeting participants focused on the expected visit to Pridnestrovie next week of the Special Representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office Thomas Mayr-Harting, and later of the Acting Chairman of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Foreign Minister of Malta, Ian Borg. Oleg Vasnetsov considers that this is a good sign indicating the desire of the OSCE leadership to revive the negotiation process. Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that the Pridnestrovian side is ready for dialogue.


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