The PMR Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief heard information on the results of the PMR Ministry of Defense activity for 2022, recognizing the work of the department as satisfactory

01/20/23 14:18

The PMR Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief heard information on the results of the PMR Ministry of Defense activity for 2022, recognizing the work of the department as satisfactory

The Military Collegium of the PMR Ministry of Defense opened a series of reporting events. They are held at the beginning of the year by all bodies of state power and administration, summing up the completed annual period and outlining plans for the coming one. All information is sent to the President. Many meetings of departmental boards are held with the personal participation of the PMR President. Vadim Krasnoselsky heard today reports from the Minister of Defense and his deputies on the state of affairs in the army based on the results of their service activities in 2022 – the level of combat readiness and combat training, the material, technical and financial support of the armed forces, the state of weapons and equipment, discipline and law and order in the army environment. Representatives of the leadership of the Presidential Administration, the Government and the Supreme Council were also invited to the meeting of the Military Collegium.

According to the Minister of Defense, Lieutenant General Oleg Obruchkov, the main attention was paid to the combat training of personnel in the daily activities of the troops. The Minister spoke about the measures aimed at improving the material and technical support of the armed forces. He noted that the necessary conditions have been created in all army units for the repair and maintenance of equipment.

The Ministry of Defense has implemented a pilot project aimed at increasing wages since January 2022. The introduction of stimulating additional payments made it possible to increase the average amount of monetary allowance and wages of personnel. An important element of the mechanism of material incentives is the results of passing the standards for physical training. It was noted that all the necessary conditions have been created for the military personnel to conduct effective classes in various sports on a regular basis. It was stated in the course of the meeting of the Military Collegium that the construction of new sports towns and halls, their equipment contributed to an increase in the level of physical fitness of military personnel. The functioning of the Army Sports Club had a positive impact on the improvement of indicators. It was mentioned in the course of the meeting that representatives of the Ministry of Defense became winners in six of the seven interdepartmental competitions held in 2022. It was noted that the Army Sports Club has been functioning as a republican public organization for five years. The same age as the army sports club is the Tiraspol Suvorov Military School. The educational institution subordinated to the Ministry of Defense celebrated last year the five-year anniversary since its establishment. There have already been three graduations. The President was told that the development of the school, including infrastructure, continues. A new laundry plant was put into operation at the Tiraspol Suvorov Military School in the reporting period. They also spoke in the course of the meeting about the Military Institute of the Ministry of Defense. The educational institution has been functioning for three decades – 2023 is the anniversary year. A trend towards a decrease in interest in studying at this university among Pridnestrovian youth was noted. Vadim Krasnoselsky recommended during the discussion of this issue the focusing on rural youth during campaigning among school graduates. Another aspect that so far has a negative impact on the image of the institute, according to the PMR President, is the educational infrastructure. The situation will change after the Military Institute changes its location. The construction of a new campus for this university is underway in the central part of the capital. A 4-storey building is being built at the funds of the Capital Investment Fund, and the associated infrastructure is being equipped. Most of the work is expected to be completed this year. In addition, the President recommended expanding the list of specialties for which cadets are trained. New directions that meet modern needs and interests of both young people and the state are needed, Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized.

"The Dniester Dawns" health-improving complex revival, transferred to the jurisdiction of the defense department, was discussed. The facility underwent in 2022 a major overhaul of the administrative building, a polyclinic, a hydropathic clinic, and a rehabilitation center of the institution within the framework of the state program of the Capital Investment Fund. 240 adult representatives of privileged categories of citizens improved their health at this site and 1628 children rested during the year. The President emphasized that this project is an example of high social responsibility and effective management.

The participants of the meeting spoke about other infrastructure developments at army facilities, in particular about the repair and equipping of the caserns. They touched upon the issue of providing housing for servicemen. 15 certificates were issued to subsidize the purchase of apartments in 2022.

They talked about uniforms, food and the state of the housing and caserns fund of the PMR Armed Forces. The Commander-in-Chief was informed that the personnel in 2022 were provided with everything necessary for combat training and service - various types of allowances, clothing uniforms, food.

Deputy Minister of Defense, Major General Ruslan Paulesko, focused in his report on conducting inspections of military units and institutions, and spoke in detail about various activities, exercises, and training camps.

The army was discussed as an important social institution of the state in the course of the meeting of the Military Collegium.

The year 2022 was marked for the state and departments by a number of anniversaries and memorable dates. Military-patriotic events were held with the involvement of representatives of various public organizations in all military units and army institutions. Military personnel are actively involved in cultural events, including those of a competitive nature. An increasing number of sports are cultivated in the army. Sports, creative, intellectual competitions are held. The orchestra of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic held three hundred performances in 2022.

Special attention during the meeting of the Military Collegium was payed to the tasks for 2023. It was designated by the Minister of Defense, taking as a basis the relevant part of the Message of the President of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic to the central and local authorities. The PMR President detailed the goals and guidelines then. Vadim Krasnoselsky recalled that the Pridnestrovian military doctrine remains unchanged – this is defensive. No aggression against neighboring states, while the readiness to repel it if necessary. The Commander-in-Chief recommended paying attention to the mobility of the army and aimed at enhancing the interaction of commanders with personnel and families of military personnel. He instructed to pay more attention to housing issues, involving military personnel, including senior cadets of the Military Institute, in the affordable housing program that is being implemented on the principles of shared participation with serious support from the state.

The level of combat training of military personnel, the combat readiness of the Pridnestrovian army and the work of the Ministry of Defense of the PMR in general was recognized by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic as satisfactory.


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