Vadim Krasnoselsky held a meeting of the Operational Headquarters, created in connection with the situation in Ukraine

03/14/22 12:06

Vadim Krasnoselsky held a meeting of the Operational Headquarters, created in connection with the situation in Ukraine

Information that 17258 foreign citizens were registered in Pridnestrovie for temporary residence in the period from February 24 to March 13 was announced in the course of the meeting of the Operational Headquarters under the President of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. 282 people – 172 adults and 110 children – settled in temporary residence centers during the past week. About 500 people live in these institutions now. There are seven centers (two centers in Tiraspol, two centers in Rybnitsa, one each in Dnestrovsk, Dubossary and Kamenka). The load of these centers is 70%. If necessary, 16 more facilities are ready for deployment, the total bed capacity of which is 1825 beds. Among the reserve institutions, the most capacious are the Suvorov School, the Republican Cadet Corps, the Spartak and Dniester Dawns camps.

Foreign citizens staying in temporary residence centers are provided with good nutrition. Children have the opportunity to attend educational institutions of the republic. 510 applications were received for enrollment in schools and 182 in kindergartens. 463 schoolchildren and 174 pupils of preschool educational institutions, who arrived from the territory of Ukraine, started the educational process. They are given the opportunity to have lunch in school canteens. Children are provided with medical care. Everything is at the expense of the Pridnestrovian budget. All foreigners settled in temporary residence centers are tested for the presence of coronavirus. If COVID-19 is detected, patients are hospitalized in infectious diseases hospitals, providing the full range of medical services prescribed to such patients free of charge. Five adult foreigners and four children are being treated in Pridnestrovian coronavirus hospitals at the moment. Vadim Krasnoselsky considers it expedient to test children who arrived from abroad and adults accompanying them when registering schoolchildren and preschool children in educational institutions of the republic.

The meeting also discussed the possibility of temporary employment of foreign citizens. The President instructed to work out this issue.


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