So that there is no war

06/22/24 06:04

So that there is no war

The eternal fire gathered tonight hundreds of flickering assistants. The memorial candles were lined up in an immortal regiment. Each in its place is like a soldier in a combat post. The whole combat formation is in the form of the number "83". Exactly so many years ago, the June predawn hour was overshadowed and stunned by the terrible news – war.

Residents of Pridnestrovie from year to year participate in events held at different points of the republic, reminding that the Great Patriotic War began on June 22, 1941, which extended 1418 unbearably long, filled with pain days. Unlucky memory in each flower plate laid to the memorial slabs. Unfading gratitude is in the flame of candles, illuminated and heated the cold surface of marble and the roughness of granite.

The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky was among numerous participants of the “Candle of Memory” mourning event organized at the Tiraspol memorial. 

“June 22, 1941 – our history, the history of the most terrible war, the history of woeful defeats, the history of joyful victories, the history of the generation of winners – boys, girls, older people who defend their homeland,” said Vadim Krasnoselsky, communicating with journalists after the laying ceremony of flowers and candles. He said that not everyone led a lesson from the tragedy of 1941-1945: “It is scary to think that the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, of those who were sitting in one trench, protecting the common Soviet homeland, are now looking at each other of the opposite trenches, aiming, shooting, killing ... ".

According to the PMR President, the history must be true. “I am against the rehabilitation of Nazism and fascism in all their manifestations, against monuments to the Nazis”, he emphasized in an interview with representatives of the media. Answering the question about the attempts to achieve the recognition of the genocide of the Soviet people, Vadim Krasnoselsky noted, “It is strange that they had not done this before in the postwar period. They somehow shying, tried to forget. The victory was truly celebrated in 1965 after all. There was a period when the history of war tried to level, soften, forget before that. It is not right. There was a genocide of the Soviet people. This must be declared, talk, not be shy. This is true".


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