Andrey Safonov: Russia is continuing to firmly and openly support Pridnestrovie

06/18/21 09:25

Andrey Safonov: Russia is continuing to firmly and openly support Pridnestrovie

Tiraspol, June 18. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The world has experienced two events on June 16. Firstly, a meeting between Presidents of the United States of America and the Russian Federation – Vladimir Putin and Joseph Biden – was held in Switzerland. Secondly, the State Duma of Russia issued a statement in support of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic and against any forms of the PMR blockade.

This Duma walkout has certainly taken its toll. First of all, large-scale efforts of the joint Moldovan-Ukrainian customs checkpoint in Kuchurgan, was expected from July 1 of the year of 2021, has been postponed until December 31 of this year. In addition, the vaccination certificates issued in the PMR have begun to be recognized at a number of Ukraine checkpoints. In the name of fairness, it should be noted that certificates are recognized, but only such where the Russian Sputnik V isn’t listed as a vaccine. In all conscience, Pridnestrovie is in no wise at that case, inasmuch as the vaccine contradictions between Russia and Ukraine don’t depend on us in any way.

Thus, conjectures of internet bots who tried to demoralize Pridnestrovian citizens, claiming that “Russia is going to fling off an unnecessary region”, that the Kremlin “needs the whole territory of Moldova, but not just its part,” that Pridnestrovie for Russia is like “a suitcase without a handle” and so on. Moscow needs real and proven allies because of continuing aggravation of relations between Russia and China on the one hand and the collaborative West on the other.

For Tiraspol it’s important that Russian troops, as before, stayed a warrantor of peace on the Dniester river banks.

Our peace, as the events of the year of 1992 showed, is threatened by pro-Romanian nationalists, behind which are Bucharest as well as the Western “hawks.” The same nationalists don’t forget that years ago a part of the Ukrainian lands turned out to be a part of the Greater Romania. Therefore, the threat to Pridnestrovie automatically becomes a threat to Ukraine as well. The State Duma statement, at first glance may seem a paradoxical one, partially mitigates the danger for the Ukrainian territories. After all, Romania deprived the gas-containing Black Sea shelf from Ukraine at the end of the 2000s. This’s the price of Bucharest’s “friendship.”

It’s now evident that the United States of America, the European Union and NATO will uselessly disturb the Kremlin by demanding the withdrawal of Russian troops from Pridnestrovie. In the event that pressure brought nothing to the West as well as Chisinau during the time of Boris Yeltsin’s rule, now it’s completely nonsensical. We should ask: is it a coincidence that the State Duma statement appeared precisely on June 16, a day after the NATO summit just voiced the slogan about the withdrawal of Russian “streltsy” from the Dniester river banks?

According to the Russian-American summit results, Moscow will fight for its influence spheres preservation and at the same time strengthen relations with its allied countries: recognized, partially recognized as well as unrecognized. The Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic is absolutely on this list, because the statement of the Russian parliament lower chamber directly concerns our state.

It’s equally clear that Russia isn’t even going to seriously discuss the issue of the peacekeeping format changing. The above mentioned is the fact that Russian troops aren’t in danger of withdrawal, but here we want to pay attention on the judicial model of peacekeeping. And it’s as follows: the peacekeeping forces include troops of the two internationally recognized parties to the conflict: Pridnestrovie and Moldova, as well as the fighters of the country that divided the opposing parties. That is to say, Russia. The circle has been closed. Everything is utterly logical.

Consequently, Western countries as well as international organizations, whether it be the United States or NATO, have no chance of joining peacekeepers. This will complicate existing chances of the peacekeeping format transforming.

One last point is also very important. The Duma statement was adopted unanimously. This proves that the substance of the issues can only be about one thing – what support the Pridnestrovian ally will have for the new Duma convocation, which is expected to be elected in the autumn: as if it were today or more. The available options are at present aren’t considered.


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