Андрей Сафонов

06/18/24 21:13
The political scientist spoke about the situation in Moldovan-Pridnestrovian relations
04/07/22 22:04
Political scientist Andrei Safonov: “After that, it’s pointless to speak about a single political space between the PMR and the Republic of Moldova”
01/13/22 19:58
What the NATO Secretary-General forgot about when he demanded the Russian troops` withdrawal from Pridnestrovie
04/13/20 19:00
Deputy of the Supreme Council, political scientist Andrei Safonov about Moldovan political games during the COVID-19 pandemic
12/10/19 15:36
According to the parliamentarian, the main goal of all Moldovan politicians is to make Pridnestrovians to give up our statehood